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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Honduras...first days as a teacher!

Buenos Dias de Honduras y que El SeƱor les beniga!
Oh how many joys I have to tell you of God’s faithfulness and beauty seen in this place!
I have officially survived the first full day of school, Thursday and Friday of last week being half days, so it is very exciting to be at this point and to look forward to so many good things!
It was quite a push to get the classroom ready for the first day of school and I spent many days working late into the night. Everything takes more time here, so I had to keep reminding myself of that so I wouldn’t get frustrated. Between power outages and waiting for books and supplies to arrive and meeting after meeting repeating much of the same information, it became a task to keep the focus on the Lord and not get wrapped up in the struggle to get everything done. We learned in one of our cultural seminars this past week that you need 3 things(these are just the top 3) to adapt well to a new culture:
1. Sense of humor
2. Ability to fail
3. Adaptability
I have definitely been understanding these 3 things on a whole new level, and it has been a good stretch! Needless to say, God has been filling in all the gaps and providing in the places where I have fallen short.
On my first day of school I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw up, but the minute I saw the smiling faces of the kids I knew everything was going to be fine!
We are now learning each other’s sense of humors and building our classroom environment, and things are going well! I’m definitely making a lot of mistakes, but they say here “Se vale equivocarse” – there’s value in making mistakes! I know God has specifically picked this class to help me and understand me through my first year of teaching. As you can see from the pictures…they are precious!

Apart from school(although there hasn’t been much else) – I am building good relationships with my roommates and I enjoy coming home to them each day. I have a small group which I know will be a blessing this year as I transition – it will be so good to have support through everything.
I LOVE my partner teacher Gina, and Stacy brings a lot of life and passion to our 5th grade team, so all three of us are new to teaching 5th grade, however by God’s grace we are feeling equipped and excited about working together this year. (*please pray specifically for these relationships as we truly need each other to make the best learning experience for the kids)

I have tried out 2 more churches and am still seeking out a church to call home, it may take a while to find, so I am trying to be patient and yet not get discouraged. I definitely miss my amazing church family on Sunday mornings!
(*Please pray God will specifically lead me to a church and plant me there to expand my ministry outside of the school and that it wouldn’t take too much longer to settle in to a place.)

I feel as if I am still in the “honeymoon” stage of this whole experience, even though I have been working so hard, everything is new and wonderful. (*Please pray that I will continue to keep the same attitude as the semester moves forward and things get harder)

In all, please join me in praising the Lord for the ministry He has given me here, the way He is equipping me, and the joy He is pouring over me as I serve Him.
Much love to all of you and a big hug!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Honduras...coming soon!

I'm excited to be back on my blog and focused on heading out on a new adventure. It seems like the past few months have flown by and the time for my departure is growing ever closer.
I know God has called me specifically to Honduras, based on many confirmations and the desires of my heart He is fulfilling in this next step.
I cannot WAIT to be a teacher for the first time, to learn more spanish, to fall in love with a whole new group of people in a culture that has already claimed my heart, and to grow as God breaks and shapes and moves in the way He does, for His kindom purposes and His glory.
My greatest prayer is for God to use me to share my passion and love for Him with the students in my classroom. I desire for them to know God more and more each day as we learn and grow together in the classroom, through each unit of study, and as we see Him at work all around us.
Some other prayer needs specified for you all are below:
- travel and safety
- wisdom in 1st classroom teaching experience
- Pray for each of my students in 5th grade and that I would give them a passion for learning, and most of all, God’s Word.
- provision of a community of believers and Spanish speaking church
- pray against sickness
- growth in Spanish speaking skills and courage to use it
- confident- humility as I step into everything new
- blessing upon my relationships with my partner teachers, school staff, roommates, parents and students!
- That I would hold to the truth and promises of God and seek Him day by day to know Him more and more and find strength in my weakness.
- joy in the journey God has set before me and the privelege of serving Him in what He has called me to do.
- I have set the LORD continually before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices, my flesh also will dwell securely. -Psalm 16:8-9

* Thank you for going on this adventure with me, for loving me and supporting me, for giving me confidence in what God has called me to do, and for blessing me with your prayers -- those I need most of all.
*I say goodbye with great sadness and pain in my heart, for it is hard to be apart. But I know that God is opening a door for new relationships and blessings as I step out in faith. I love you all dearly, please know that.