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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Testimony, Love, and Bittersweet endings

“Be imitators of God therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)

What a gift to live our lives as dearly loved children and to pour out love for others from the overflow of the love that has already been given us.

This year’s transition has been bittersweet.

All our prayers were answered beautifully for the end of the year. The kids stood up and sang ‘Let my life be the proof of your love’ and quoted Romans 8:28-39 and Psalm 103 from memory with boldness. I put movie clips together from the testimonies of almost all the students which we watched for their 6th grade program. It was an amazing witness to each child’s family of all that they are learning and what they want to live their lives for as they move on to high school. 
I am satisfied that the Lord was glorified in this display and HE accomplished what He promised from beginning to end.
à See this link to watch the video:

2 Corinthians 3:2-5:
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

As an ending activity my friend Autumn and I got each student a bracelet with their favorite name of God engraved on it. We spent time praying over each student as we gave them their bracelets. This was my highlight end event because it was evident that God’s Spirit was with us as we prayed and I hope the kids never forget these prayers of sincere intercession over their lives.
à See the photo and story below for more on God’s work through Autumn and the gospel in some other kids’ lives!

There are quite a few of my close friends who will not be returning next year and this leaves gaps and cracks in my heart. These spaces are always filled with Christ first and other incredible relationships later, but not without some heartache as it is hard to let go and move on when we have strived together so hard for a season and gone through so much together. I praise God because our ending time together was so sweet. God’s grace is lavish.

Now my homesick heart is being loved on as I am able to be with family and in the comfort and fullness of home. This is a gift indescribable because sharing moments of marriage, laughter, anguish, sickness and health, joy and love is more than my bursting heart deserves. Though I find it hard to rest, I keep soaking in the goodness of it all and I am content. I only have a little over 3 weeks left and though I am astounded at the passing time I am just watching God’s hand orchestrate and bring me good things.

Recently I read this quote about faith from the book ‘100 Days in the Secret Place’
“ A life of faith does two things: faith helps you see God behind everything that He uses. And faith also keeps you in a place where you are not sure what will happen next.”

As I rest in God’s control over my life and future I am content to receive with thanks everything that God uses and I’m anticipating what He may bring in the future THROUGH FAITH.

Hebrews 10:
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
38“My righteous one will live by faith.”

As I begin looking forward to this next school year my vision is renewed for what the Lord has in store for a new group of kids and a new set of challenges to shape and sanctify me. I am in Honduras to do God’s will as He makes me holy and more reflective of His sacrifice once and for all.

More from Hebrews 10:
Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

Have you reflected on all Christ has done for you recently? Have you thought about all He sacrificed for you once and for all?
How long have you spent in His word lately? It doesn’t matter where I turn in the Bible I find it spewing the gospel. I try to gulp it in and choke because I have to spill it forth to others. The gospel is unrelenting.
My challenge for you: read God’s word, meditate on it, soak in it. Memorize it. Don’t just stop at ‘a verse for the day’ or ‘enough to make you sound half way smart at Bible study’. Don’t pull out your cliché verses to sound like a good Christian or let other books crowd out The Book…. Let God’s word and gospel written on every page transform you. We HAVE to go back to God’s word for perspective and peace in the chaos of this world. We will find it in no other place. Take the time. Recenter on the Center of all things. Let the unrelenting Gospel spread through you.


The last Sunday at church I drove a few friends and the neighborhood kids down the mountain. We usually pack at least 9 of us in my car as a usual Sunday routine. We stop before church at a coffee shop to talk while the kids color. It is fun fellowship. On this particular morning Autumn was taking the kids to get some chocolate milk and cookies from the grocery store. On their way, a street kid asked for food. The neighborhood kids assumed that of course, Autumn would include their new friend in the mix. He waited patiently while they picked out the treat inside the store. When they came out, they invited him to color with them at the coffee shop. He was very shy, but agreed to come. Eber is one of the boys that comes to church and to visit Autumn weekly. He is 10 years old and accepted the Lord in February in Sunday school. After Sunday School that day he unashamedly stood up in front of church and proudly declared that he was now a Christian. Since then, he comes every Sunday with his Bible clutched to his chest. His mom just recently accepted Christ at church as well!
Anyways, the kids got down to munching and coloring and Jonathan (the new little boy) just sat there wide eyed. I asked him if he wanted to color and he said he didn’t know how. I asked Eber to teach him and proceeded to sit back amazed as Eber quietly and gently instructed Jonathan in the simple art of coloring. As Jonathan gained confidence I coaxed Eber to ask him if he knew what he was coloring (a picture of a cross on a hill). Without further prompting, Eber shared the whole gospel with Jonathan as they discussed the picture. He then asked is Jonathan wanted to pray to accept Christ into his heart and he nodded ‘yes.’

Autumn and I just looked at each other beaming with hints of tears at the corners of our eyes because what we had just witnessed was an exquisite picture of the gospel and God’s work spreading it through His children, His disciples --  through simple words and offerings and…

Testimony means: May it be done again.

I share this testimony, as well as those from the past and those yet to be written, so that God’s work of redemption may be repeated… so it may be done AGAIN AND AGAIN. May you also witness this sweetness of God’s children, dearly loved, living a life of love for the sake of the gospel and may this example be stamped on your hearts and minds.

Lets make the most of every ‘picture making’ opportunity…..