I've been asked by numerous people in the past couple weeks how I feel about leaving...the answer I have found as I've stumbled over words to describe deep feelings is: excited!
As I have struggled with the reality of leaving behind my wonderful college friends and the lives of so many I have poured into here, I have come to entrust these blessed relationships to the Lord as He is calling me to another stage in life. College went by TOO fast, but just as the Lord had planned. I can look back at these three years and five weeks with no regrets. I trust that I used every moment in dedication to serving my Lord. He has blessed the fruits of my labors more than I could ever ask or imagine!
Another part of me is terrified for starting a-new in another country, with no one to stand by my side, and a whole new language to learn.
Yet, as reality sets in and time ticks past in these last couple weeks I spend in Greeley, God has rained down peace that transcends ALL understanding to guard my heart and mind. Whatever He calls me to, He will provide the strength. Whatever He leads me through, He will be by my side. Whatever challenges I face, I know my Savior will sustain me.
I am nothing, yet I have the opportunity to be used for His glory....and this has never been made so clear to me as it is now.
Thus, many tears will fall in the next week as I say goodbyes....but in Christ there are no goodbyes. This world is not my home...I am a stranger passing through. Thus I hold loosly to the things of this world and press on to take hold of that for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus, to the praise and glory of the name above all names, unashamedly.
Love you! So glad you are excited...I will be praying for you tomorrow as you head out on your next adventure!
TODAY is the day. appointed before all of creation. Jew, God has a plan and is living it out w/ you. enjoy the ride. ;)
Ahhhhh! Julie this is so exciting!! I'm so so pumped to see how God's going to lead you and shine through you to these precious children. This is such an amazing opportunity, to get to show these people an unconditional love beyond their wildest dreams. I'm praying for you continually as you step out in faith to an adventure side by side with God! Thanks for being a huge encouragement to me, and I can't wait to hear how you are changing to world for Him one step at a time! Love you!
It is encouraging to read this first blog post now too! :)
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