Looking at the last 5 weeks since I’ve been back in Honduras after Christmas has my head spinning! So much has been going on, and it doesn’t stop! I’m wondering if many of you can relate to that feeling, but as we head into this spring season and near spring break, I know that time will fly faster and faster!
So I’ve been taking some moments a day to stop and reflect and enjoy the people and things God has placed in my life at this time. Even if it’s 5 minutes of quiet reflection, it always seems to bring a smile to my face and renew that attitude of thanks that sometimes comes and goes.
So, I don’t even know where to start because there is too much to tell (as you can probably tell from my ramblings already ) But I do want to share with you a few things that God has been doing and thank you for your prayers for me. You are all so faithful.
Teaching has been better since arriving back after break. I know God renewed my heart and mind over Christmas to return and run the race marked out for me with perseverance. Everyday has been strenuous, but then I see God carrying me through all the more. I wish I could put into words the little changes I see in my students, but all I can say is that things are just….better. Instead of 1 good day out of 5, I am getting used to 4 good days out of 5. I’m enjoying teaching more, and finding my kids enjoying it more too. I’m not being met with as much opposition or attitude in the day to day things. We’re working as a team more, and learning how to love each other when it gets tough…..so many life lessons all the time!
So our next class challenge is a chapel presentation that we have to put on. We’ve been planning it for the last month and God has been leading us all along. Today we finally put it all together and I’m getting extremely nervous for how it is going to turn out. I told God that He’s in the business of turning ordinary nothing into extraordinary things for His glory, so He’s going to have to show up big time for this one if He desires glory from what we are seeking to perform….so 7:45am on Friday, please be praying for us as we put our best foot forward and see what God pulls together.
In other areas I’ve been seeing God grant peace and patience and again, just feel renewed each day to press on and enjoy the here and now. My bible study has been encouraging and refreshingly “real”, my friendships have been deepening and I’m finding joy in many relationships here that were more surface level before. Any time that I spend outside of school and in the city is amazing just to be with the people and speak Spanish and enjoy this culture.
Recently I’ve been hitting walls again in regards to how to minister to the poor here. A brief glimpse into these ponderings happened when I was getting on the bus after grocery shopping one morning and a little boy (about 4) came up to the door and just looked through the glass, pleading with his eyes. The bus driver opened the door and gave the boy a left over bottle of coke and the child ran off happy as could be and smiling and waving. I asked the bus driver if he knew the boy and he shook his head, but then he just looked at me and big tears swelled up in his eyes and he started sobbing saying “I grew up just like that boy, that was me!” As I watched his heart reveal itself through the tears, through the compassion, and through the reality of his life I wondered at myself….when was the last time I cried over the orphans on the street corners? When was the last time I stopped to bring joy to a grimy little boy happy with a simple bottle of coke? When was the last time I prayed for the old woman limping along the roadside. When was the last time I opened my eyes to look into the eyes of a man digging through the trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle? I’m living amongst poverty and hardship and yet I’m still an American with blinders on, walking proudly through the streets, it’s so frustrating, and yet so real and I keep looking at Christ’s example while He was here on earth, and I find myself falling miserably short. Pray for me in this, and share with me thoughts and ideas if you can.
As for my church, we are still in the process of finding a new pastor, and it’s taking a long time and becoming a burden to some of the men in the church. It is still going strong, and I definitely still feel called to stay through this season, but I would ask you to also pray for the church as we seek God through this stage and what plans He has in store.
Ok, well, my ramblings have gone on long enough. Just wanted to touch base with you all and thank you again for your faithful support and prayers. I am blessed and hope to encourage you in any way, shape, or form with the words that came out on paper tonight.
So I’ve been taking some moments a day to stop and reflect and enjoy the people and things God has placed in my life at this time. Even if it’s 5 minutes of quiet reflection, it always seems to bring a smile to my face and renew that attitude of thanks that sometimes comes and goes.
So, I don’t even know where to start because there is too much to tell (as you can probably tell from my ramblings already ) But I do want to share with you a few things that God has been doing and thank you for your prayers for me. You are all so faithful.
Teaching has been better since arriving back after break. I know God renewed my heart and mind over Christmas to return and run the race marked out for me with perseverance. Everyday has been strenuous, but then I see God carrying me through all the more. I wish I could put into words the little changes I see in my students, but all I can say is that things are just….better. Instead of 1 good day out of 5, I am getting used to 4 good days out of 5. I’m enjoying teaching more, and finding my kids enjoying it more too. I’m not being met with as much opposition or attitude in the day to day things. We’re working as a team more, and learning how to love each other when it gets tough…..so many life lessons all the time!
So our next class challenge is a chapel presentation that we have to put on. We’ve been planning it for the last month and God has been leading us all along. Today we finally put it all together and I’m getting extremely nervous for how it is going to turn out. I told God that He’s in the business of turning ordinary nothing into extraordinary things for His glory, so He’s going to have to show up big time for this one if He desires glory from what we are seeking to perform….so 7:45am on Friday, please be praying for us as we put our best foot forward and see what God pulls together.
In other areas I’ve been seeing God grant peace and patience and again, just feel renewed each day to press on and enjoy the here and now. My bible study has been encouraging and refreshingly “real”, my friendships have been deepening and I’m finding joy in many relationships here that were more surface level before. Any time that I spend outside of school and in the city is amazing just to be with the people and speak Spanish and enjoy this culture.
Recently I’ve been hitting walls again in regards to how to minister to the poor here. A brief glimpse into these ponderings happened when I was getting on the bus after grocery shopping one morning and a little boy (about 4) came up to the door and just looked through the glass, pleading with his eyes. The bus driver opened the door and gave the boy a left over bottle of coke and the child ran off happy as could be and smiling and waving. I asked the bus driver if he knew the boy and he shook his head, but then he just looked at me and big tears swelled up in his eyes and he started sobbing saying “I grew up just like that boy, that was me!” As I watched his heart reveal itself through the tears, through the compassion, and through the reality of his life I wondered at myself….when was the last time I cried over the orphans on the street corners? When was the last time I stopped to bring joy to a grimy little boy happy with a simple bottle of coke? When was the last time I prayed for the old woman limping along the roadside. When was the last time I opened my eyes to look into the eyes of a man digging through the trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle? I’m living amongst poverty and hardship and yet I’m still an American with blinders on, walking proudly through the streets, it’s so frustrating, and yet so real and I keep looking at Christ’s example while He was here on earth, and I find myself falling miserably short. Pray for me in this, and share with me thoughts and ideas if you can.
As for my church, we are still in the process of finding a new pastor, and it’s taking a long time and becoming a burden to some of the men in the church. It is still going strong, and I definitely still feel called to stay through this season, but I would ask you to also pray for the church as we seek God through this stage and what plans He has in store.
Ok, well, my ramblings have gone on long enough. Just wanted to touch base with you all and thank you again for your faithful support and prayers. I am blessed and hope to encourage you in any way, shape, or form with the words that came out on paper tonight.
Big hugs to all, and make sure to take those moments of reflection each day to stop and see what God is doing and entrust Him with the things that are to come.
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