Since the last time I wrote there has been much activity and things to write home about, most of them stemming from a trip over Thanksgiving to Nicaragua. The following is a summary of a lot of thoughts that have been running through my head, -- ideas, and realizations….I think I need to share them with you because I’m on the verge of something….not quite sure what yet.
Most of you have been with me on my journey first to Nicaragua and then Honduras so you know how much I love that place and country, but I can’t really describe to you what it was like driving down those roads again, stepping into memorized houses, smelling the same smells, and delighting in the people that first claimed my heart. Nicaragua was most definitely a whole other world, a world I love. Our time was so short, yet so sweet.
We first went to the orphanage in Jinotega that is my favorite and cooked Thanksgiving dinner for them and then played with the kids and watched Elf on the big screen. It was quite the event to be a part of, moments cherished in my heart.
On Friday we headed to Managua and I managed to navigate my way all the way through the city without having a clue where I was going….many many steps of faith on this journey and God came through in EVERY SINGLE ONE.
I spent Friday night with my host family, hearing about what the Lord is doing in their lives. My host dad is a pastor who is highly esteemed all over the country. His sermons are radio broadcasted and he has invitations to speak in dozens of churches every week. He runs all over proclaiming the name of Christ and hardly rests. It was hard again to see the effect this has on the family, but he has a truly amazing ministry. On Saturday we spent the day with my dearest friends Isabel and her son Fran. We tried cone-ing in the mall and then ended up at a cute little coffee shop. I pulled Isabel aside at one point, leaving Trent and Fran to play cards at another table. We talked about everything going on in her life and she took the burden on her shoulders and gave it all to me, it was much. We prayed together and cried together and I could just see relief in her eyes knowing that someone understood, someone cared, someone had taken the time to listen and love her no matter what. When we went back to the boys I was surprised again by the Lord. Trent said that Fran and him had been talking and Fran needed to tell me something. Fran looked at me and said, “It is time for me to accept Jesus into my heart.”
I was astounded, but overjoyed, as this was something his mom and I had just been talking about and something I have prayed for through many years. We decided to go home and pray together. As we sat on that porch, a place where some of the most cherished evenings were spent lifting up praises to God amidst hardship, we all joined hands and ushered Fran into the presence of the Lord Most High.
I had so much emotion running through me as I said goodbye to them. Isabel clung to me, Fran just shone with joy, and my heart burst with love for them and thankfulness to God. Through a few tears on the way home I realized some things. 1.) I loved that time with Isabel and Fran because it was so real. The hardships in their lives were opened and laid bare before me, although I really can do nothing to change them, I partner with them in prayer. I had to specifically take that burden that Isabel shared with me and lay it before the Lord, reminding myself that He will never leave them or forsake them, and they are His children, His sheep. He will constantly care for them, my role is to share, understand, and PRAY.
2.) Missions work is not necessarily this grandiose romanticized idea we sometimes make of it, it is simply getting involved in people’s lives, walking with them where they are at, ministering to their needs, and being Christ’s hands and feet….after all, that is what Christ did in all His ministry on earth and said we would be blessed if we followed His example. We preach the gospel with our lives as living testimonies and then words. We are meant to share our lives, they are not our own.
3.) I have not been living the way I should in a manner that keeps in mind this whole other reality of life. I have been content in my reality and must admit, did not want to carry the burden and guilt that comes along with allowing myself to SEE. My eyes now opened again meant that from now on it is extremely hard to hide from their reality….the reality of thousands who live just as they….wondering where the food on their table will come from, wondering if they will have strength to get up in the morning and work a 14 hour day for pennies that never stretch far enough, wondering if anyone cares or if life will ever get better, wondering if depression will take over or her husband will ever come back….. I am so thankful that God continues to present to me this reality and tugs my heart so fully on behalf of His beloved people.
4.) Dreams and visions from the past were again stirred in my heart and mind. I want to go to them, to live among them, to be like them, to do ministry on that level such as 2 Corinthians 6 describes – “Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.”
Since this moment of eye opening realizations I have been mulling over a lot of things in my head, bigger things, scary things, God shaped things.
Speaking with my kids at school after getting back from Nicaragua I talked to them about dreaming big and seeking God’s purpose for their lives. We are studying Joshua in bible class and reading in the 1st chapter of Joshua where God speaks to the Israelites: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
The Lord transfers the leadership of His people from Moses to Joshua and it is time to take over the Promised Land. God knows the Israelites need to remember the promises He made to them and the reminders of His power and faithfulness as they face the “giants” of the land and follow crazy commands like walking around the walls of Jericho.
I’m feeling a little like the Israelites right now, stuck in my unbelief, but asking for more faith to know that God can do whatever He wants with me. He’s asking me to meditate on His promises and take courage to believe that God will perform the deeds He has declared. I’ve been very weak in really understanding this for over a week now, but after a day of fasting and praying God has stripped my gaze of earthly things and I can now much more easily gaze at the clarity of the truth God has spoken over my life. I was actually quite selfish in my relationship with the Lord after these things and the great possibility of change coming my way and wanted to run from it, instead of embracing whatever He gently speaks over me. I praise Him as the Good Shepherds who knows exactly how to direct our stubborn hearts, patiently, and beside quiet waters.
Below are a 2 quotes, one from a sermon by Matt Channing and the other an old prayer of surrender by Francois de la Mothe Fenelon. They have been encouraging on this journey, but because I know you’re getting tired of reading this novel, I will bring it to a close with my prayer needs. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. I am delighted to share with you where the Lord has me and allow you to see Him working in and through my life, whatever that may be. May the Lord grip your heart in whatever way He desires this Christmas season, and may you take time to be still before Him and remember that He is God…..it’s all about Him.
Prayer Requests
1.) Today marks 10 days until I get to return home for a short reprieve. I talked with my kids about finishing strong this part of the year and they are struggling. Please pray for motivation, excitement in the Christmas season, and grace to get us through. I’m headed into a meeting this morning with a parent of one of my troublesome students and would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in a behavior plan and in encouraging him and giving him the tools he needs to succeed.
2.) Continued rejection of the ideas the world so easily accepts and a heart surrendered to God’s will, whatever that may be.
3.) An appreciation of friendships in this season and time amongst the craziness to have fun and celebrate and share life together.
4.) Isabel and Fran
5.) My time at home – wisdom in how to order my time and energy and also getting some rest and rejuvenation.
Matt Chandler:
Weaken and destroy the idea that God is ultimately for you. You have got to get over you. You’re not the point. The more you think you’re the point the more you will be enslaved to a million vices. When you’re the point you use others and you will easily be angered and bothered by others. When you’re not the point you’re free, you get to extend grace and rest and breath. How good it is to know that God is for Himself and that all He is doing is for the praise of His glorious name and that He has set us free from ourselves.
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