Happy April Fools Day!
Crazy to know March is already gone! I have finally reached Semana Santa (Holy week – AKA spring break for the whole country! :)
I am so entirely blessed with the opportunity to go to a beautiful beach on an island right off the north east coast of Honduras. I will spend 4 days there with another teacher friend and I’m psyched for what the Lord has to show me in this time. A break is DEFINITELY in order as I have been drained in every possible way. From Thursday to Sunday I will be at an orphanage outside of Tegucigalpa with about 50 kids and 9 other volunteers. We are doing an Easter bible camp which I’m excited to be involved in also.
It’s really the best of both worlds and the Lord has orchestrated it all for me, so I’m stepping forward into this week without any real expectations, but in need of meeting the Lord in a different way in order to regain perspective. Please pray for this week in the two places I will be.
Last weekend was the wedding of a friend from church, which was quite the cultural experience….see attached pictures or my most recent facebook album. Lets just say weddings here, though half gringo, are much different. I loved every part of it, even the part where the bridesmaid dress never fits right Jhaha….you’ll see what I mean.
My kids at school have been really great recently, but we were all ready for a break. I wanted to tell you that our field trip to the blind school was insanity for me trying to lead it all, I needed every single one of your prayers, but the kids were a HUGE blessing and jumped in to serving. I was so proud of my kids especially who made a point to share the gospel with each kid they talked to, learn about each one, and pray with them too....they all loved it and want to go back. Wow, God is at work through them. Our Easter celebration on Friday was a neat time to re-tell the story of Christ’s death and resurrection and prayers of thanksgiving for Christ’s sacrifice and gift of eternal life. I put one picture of us up for you to see. The kids also turned in Psalms they wrote this week for bible class and I was just super impacted by the depth of their love for the Lord and their pure and sweet hearts. I will send a few in the next update. Please keep praying for my classroom and the kids as we finish this year. I have high hopes for us and trust the Lord to finish what He began.
I wrote this e-mail also in 2 pieces so you could get the short version, or the long sermon version….so keep on reading if you want, if not, enjoy the pictures and the quick update on some of the things happening here! Love you guys!
God’s been working on my heart hard core in this month and I’m a little timid to share the depth of it with you, but since the beginning I’ve been committed to writing the truth and the realness and will be satisfied with nothing less. Thus commences my real March update e-mail, buckle your seatbelts…..Here are the 4 Questions I will be addressing…..
à What does it mean to be satisfied in God alone?
à What does it mean to spend yourself in service to God?
à What things do I need to weed out from my daily life so that I can have more dependence on God, and more at my disposal for His glory?
à What does it mean to SEE God – repentance and the calling, no matter the result
I woke up this morning after a 3 day fast and found a new perspective had been set in place. I did not know why I was being beckoned to give up food for 3 days and pray, especially at the end of the quarter when grades are due and the students are going crazy because Spring Break starts today….but, I just decided it was time to obey and see what He had in store. Obedience has been a repeated word I’ve been hearing from the Lord a lot. Trust and Obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey.
It’s that time of year when I just get tired, everyone does, breakdowns occur right and left, and because of community living, frustrations are amplified….however, it’s also that time when we come to the end of ourselves and have nothing left of our own to give…that is when Christ takes over and shines. For this reason, I embrace this time with all its difficulties and messiness.
Last night I had an incredible prayer time, more real than ever before. I pray with 2 other people every week and draw so much strength and perspective from these times. Connecting with Jesus like that gets me through the hard weeks and shows me over and over again what this life is all about, what I’m really living for.
This night in particular brought me to the place of brokenness, realizing how much I had let other things satisfy, when God is all I truly need. He showed me that He is enough on the most difficult days (like today) when I’m at school for 11 hours after 3 days of not eating and sleeping 4 ½ hours, the students are crazy because of upcoming break, I have a parent teacher conference that leaves me fuming, and soccer practice flops with the 5th and 6th grade girls, then I realize that report card comments aren’t entirely done and a parent comes to talk about accusations that have been made against me and a mom spreading lots of rumors….it wasn’t my choice at this point, but it was where I found myself. No caffeine, no food, no strength, no facebook venting, no point in getting sympathy from others…..when God is the one that HAS to pull through on days like today, then I expect Him to be all that I need and He rescues me.
Now, I’m not saying it was pretty….my classroom was a wreck at the end of the day, my soccer girls got yelled at, the parents made me very angry, and I didn’t think I was going to make it on several occasions. The point is though, that I had been stripped of everything on every level and HAD to rely on the Lord for everything.
When I got to praying about it I found myself weeping in sadness, that it took all of that to get me to the end of myself, to a place where God had to completely take over and be my everything. There was no back up plan in place, only Him, HE had to be the one to get me through today.
Question 1: What does it mean to be satisfied in God alone?
Friends, why don’t we let Jesus be all we need?
Last week I had hit another whirlwind of change. I found out that my best Honduran friend was invited to the states for most of next year to study English…….my team teacher was asked to move to 6th grade, so I will be training another new teacher and learning how to be not so dependent on that friend…..I caught a student stealing from my desk red handed…… a student I had been striving with (the one we’ve all been praying for) will be taken out of my class for the last quarter of school and in the most dramatic way possible…..
All of those things hit pretty much at once, in full force, and it threw me to my knees again, asking God to reveal His purpose in the work I am doing here, in the relationships I have here, in the time I am spending here.
Thankfully God had revealed a verse to me the morning right before:
Psalm 57:2 – I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me.
Question #2: What does it mean to spend yourself in service to God?
It means running my heart out, giving it my all, but crying out all along the way that He must be the one to accomplish all the things for me.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Col. 1:17)
It becomes more obvious than ever that I must offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to the Lord as a Spiritual act of worship….a drink offering poured out….then and only then does he step in and make it count for something. (Rom. 12 and Phil. 1)
“God isn’t looking for brilliant men and women, nor is He depending on eloquent men and women, nor is He determined to use only talented Christians in sending His gospel out into the world. God is looking for broken people, for those who have judged themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. When He wants anything done, He takes up men and women who have come to an end of themselves, and whose trust and confidence is not in themselves, but God.” (H.A. Ironside)
So, when I finally got to the point of stripping myself of the things of this world and an end of myself, the strength that lifted me up on wings like eagles was astounding. Why don’t I rely on this power all the time? Why do I so often use my own strength and turn to lesser things when the going gets rough? We can’t run in our own ability ever because when the going gets rough, all the wheels fall off and we crumble to pieces….if we’re truly relying on the Lord, when we are tested and tried it will ignite more power and strength in us, and open the door for the Lord to demonstrate His power and glory more clearly.
Why can’t I understand that simple phrase: “When you are weak, then you are strong.”
For about 8 years now, this has been my life verse: Hebrews 12: 1-4
“1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Question #3: What things do I need to weed out of my daily life so that I can have more dependence on God, and more at my disposal for His glory?
This is not an easy question, but when we truly do throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles….man, running gets a lot easier and it’s a lot easier to fix those eyes on Jesus. Why do we turn to things that do not satisfy when we could be delighting in abundance?Please ask yourself the same question and then actively seek to strip yourself of….SELF – self reliance, and self-satisfying things.
Isaiah 55: 1-3
Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you who have no money come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without cost.
2 “Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And delight yourself in abundance.
3 “Incline your ear and come to Me.
Listen, that you may live! “
Lastly, I want to talk about that new perspective I woke up with….it’s found in Job, Isaiah, and Revelation (or that’s where, the Lord’s shown it to me…I’m sure it’s in many other places too)
In Isaiah, he finds himself in the Lord’s presence and intense glory and claims, “woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips….for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts.” (Ch. 6 v. 5) This chapter is well known, so I’ll summarize quickly, or you can read it for review, but the angel touches his lips with a burning coal and takes away his sin and then commands him to go to a people who will “keep on listening, but do not perceive; who keep on looking, but do not understand.” Isaiah says, “how long?” and the Lord says basically, until everything is in ruin. What a command!
But always there is a promise of a remnant and in this case there follows a prophecy of Christ coming as Immanuel in verse 14.
Basically there’s a process here that I see: Isaiah is called into the Lord’s presence, he recognizes his sin and is cleansed from it…then he is commanded to go preach the message and is told that he will see no results…in fact he will see devastation, but God’s purpose will endure.
Job is called to remain holy and blameless though all is stripped from him, yet in the end Job says, “I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees you.”
I’ve been enthralled with the descriptions of the Lord Most High I see in Job and Isaiah, what incredible beauty and terrifying Holiness.
Then I turn to Revelation and find John describing more of the same as He is called into the Lord’s throne room, and find the repeated phrase “to him who overcomes….” And the promise of what is in store after this life.
The eyes are again opening to the light as I search God’s truth and seek His heart.
Here’s what I’ve summarized:
1. There comes a time when all of us are called into the Lord’s presence and given a vision.
2. We have the opportunity to respond however we might, and oh how I pray it is with Isaiah’s “Here I am send me.”
3. When we enter God’s presence we become immediately aware of sin and seek cleansing. It is time to reject the sin that is darkening our appearances.
4. When we accept God’s call it does not matter what it is, who we are to serve, or what the results may be, because God’s plan is for our good, and His glory….so we step forward and run hard, fixing our gaze on the promise of the remnant and the hope of the redemption to come.
5. In the end we see God in a new way
I have only been studying these 3 passages (Job 40-42; Isaiah 6; Revelation 3)
But it is clear to me the message the Lord is sending amidst the day to day striving and struggle. I have been called, no matter what to these people, these students, to preach the message of Christ’s deliverance no matter how it is received; I leave the results up to Him. I confess my sin and humbly submit in knowledge of my humanness compared to Lord’s perfection – it is His choice to use me I must not let self get in the way. Whatever happens I know that when all is said and done I experience my God in a new way because of the testing and trial and oh how I desire those scales to be stripped from my eyes. All I want is to see my King, seated on the throne…exalted! Join with me in this holy calling, whatever it may look like for you, and let us not grow weary or lose heart. On the 3rd day He rose again….our Mighty Conqueror! Happy Easter!
“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with me. He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says.” (Rev. 3:19-22) Amen.
WOW....you made it. Congratulations....now go pray and think on what the Lord has spoken, then write me an e-mail and let me know about it. I want to hear what the Lord is teaching you in any way! Thanks for your incredible support in listening to my ramblings! I am so blessed!
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