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Friday, October 10, 2008

Great first fin de Semana

Today was my first Sunday in Nicaragua and it was beautiful. I was blessed to be able to attend the American church that is right here at the school. The whole service is in English and over 100 Americans and Nicaraguans meet to praise the Lord together! The fellowship was amazing. Thankfully I had met 4-5 of the women at the church at a women’s tea the day before and they greeted me with hugs and smiles. At the “welcome time” I had to stand up and introduce myself, and afterwards two couples came up to introduce themselves to me because I will be working with their ministry in January. One of the couples has a daughter in my 5th grade class! Isn’t God amazing? :) It was incredible to see the community between dozens of missionary families from many different ministries praying for one another and encouraging one another. I’m coming to find that this community is pretty much a norm in this city between Christians because many prayers have been prayed for many years for unity and blessing upon this city. God is doing incredible things and I am just glimpsing parts and pieces in these first couple of days. I am so excited to share with you as I uncover more and more of what God is doing here and how He is going to work through me. I am so blessed to be joining Him at the work He is already doing here! It is huge!
Next week I pray to have the opportunity to go to what I hear is a wonderful Spanish speaking church that many of the missionaries work with.
I am actually not getting much Spanish practice as most of the teachers only speak English fluently and my roommates only speak English, so now my prayer is to get more challenging Spanish practice…haha, never thought I would be asking that! God is providing in every way!
*Random note: my roommate found us a new house pet….His name is Ralph and he is an elephant beetle I almost stepped on. He is about 5 inches long and has VERY pokey legs. He escaped in our apartment one night and after searching for him we gave up, thinking he had cleared the premise, but then we found him the next night, stuck on his back in the middle of our kitchen, legs flailing. We were happy to have our pet back. He is now alive and well. :) oh the adventures!

***I can only get on my blog on the weekends at this point, so I wrote this last week and was not able to get on till today, so don’t mind the date, the information is in consecutive order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Glad to here you are doing well...I miss you! Tell us more about the ministry you will be working with in January. Do you use any Spanish in the class room? And since when can you write in Hebrew (or whatever those letters are?).

Praying that your heart melts towards the Nicaraguans and that you are feeling God's confirmation of you being there everyday. Love you!