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Monday, October 22, 2012

Time, Mission, and Giving Thanks -- October

I love you and thank God for you and ‘long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.’ (Phil. 1)
I can’t express my appreciation and love for each one of you enough, but those words should be said more often, and how rarely do I get to express them.

For now, I will update you quickly on the main highlights of my life and ask only for prayer in being Spirit led in all things -- that I would have ‘ears to hear’ the voice of the Lord speaking into each moment and faithfully guiding me by His presence and love through the days given me here.

1.)  Teaching has been EXHAUSTING! My kids are a joy --  we laugh, we cry, we struggle, we overcome, we make a mess, we pray, we make changes, we improve, we hurry, we listen, we work hard, and we love….oh all the life lessons, the daily teaching all wrapped into this job of mine and I love it…yet it takes all of me.
2.)  God has provided the funds for a car and this has been a HUGE answer to prayer and a blessing to the ministry the Lord has given on so many levels. We have not purchased it yet, but wait for what the Lord provides, for that will be best. When I shared with my friend Ruth that I had asked God for a way to get to the orphanage every other weekend, so as to be a blessing and not a burden to this ministry the Lord has put in both of our paths her eyes just brimmed with tears and though quite speechless, she said, ‘Wow, thank you for having an open heart to the ministry God has for you, for asking of Him these things and believing in Him to do them. You are not who I thought you were Julie Nyhoff’
3.)  6th grade girls bible study has been overwhelmingly successful, not by any work of my own, but in seeing the girls’ hearts and desire for the Lord and His word. We have met twice now and each time about 12 have come to listen intently, to learn from God’s word, and to apply it to their lives. Our next meeting we’ll be going through the 3rd chapter of Joshua and the insights the Lord have provided are great indeed.
At chapel last week we were presenting our class lists of gathered items of thankfulness throughout the week. My name showed up on the 6th grade poster with specific insight and encouraging to continue my heart in striving alongside these kids and sharing the wisdom and joy of Christ with them each day.
4.)  Ministry outside of school has been interesting. The lives of the people here so desperate and broken. I have entered a time of seeking the Lord for the role I am to play in each of these lives and I need insight and wisdom to know how to love these people… to set aside the temptation to be the white American that just steps in and fixes things temporarily with money or gifts…but to truly INVEST the time, the relationship, and the prayer into striving with those here and asking GOD to be the one to show up, to rescue, to work, and that HE would care for HIS people here in HIS way and HIS time…and that maybe, possibly, He might use me in the process.
5.)  Relationships at school have been riding the wave of busyness along with me, and it has been difficult. I am so blessed by the people in my life and those of you far away. I need to pour most all my energy and time regarding each person first of all into prayer and then into ministry, but there are times when I need to rest and relax and have fun and do crazy things, and so I am seeking how to best do this with the community here and the time I have.  
6.)  I had a solid week of tooth pain leading to a root canal and lots of hours spent in a dentist chair, but have learned much through this experience, though the week of dealing with this was not enjoyable.
7.)  A dear dear friend from home has the opportunity to visit over Thanksgiving and I’m delighted to see what this time will hold for us while she is here. The Lord knows just what I need and what is best for these vacation times. I look forward to those days and ask you to pray for the preparation of that time in advance.

Until the end of November then, I leave you with many prayers and a desire to continue on with ALL of you in the work the Lord is doing…yet it is almost impossible and so I listen to the Spirit and seek how to be present in where the Lord has me.

*Ann Voskamp Quote:  Suffering nourishes grace, and pain and joy are arteries of the same heart -- and mourning and dancing are but movements in His unfinished symphony of beauty. Can I believe the gospel, that God is patiently transfiguring all the notes of my life into the song of His Son? 

The truths that have been written recently upon my heart:

I have felt overwhelmed….hard at work and never getting ahead. You’ve heard the quote, “if Satan can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.”  Or the acronym for BUSY – Bound Under Satan’s Yoke

I feel as if this has been my most recent spiritual attack as the workload has set in heavier than I can remember in years past and my time and energy widdled away to nothing each day. I accomplish a HUGE amount in the time I’m given, handling things on a million different levels and trying to listen to the Spirit in each thing thrown at me, but when I get to the end of the day I’m still behind, I still have more and more to do, and I eventually felt like I was drowning under it all. At different points in time I realized what was happening….there was justification in that the we are in the end times, the world is spinning faster and faster towards the end, everything accelerated and we feel the effects of this in our daily lives. Partly I took it as a season that would pass once I just ‘got things under control’ but things just kept coming. No matter if I said ‘no’ twice or twenty times, there was still a hundred other things to come in and steal the place of the one before.
If any of you have felt similarly, this is my call to draw us out of this, to set us above the rush, confusion, to-do list, and chaos, ‘For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace.’ (1 Cor. 14:33)

First some insights came from Ecclesiastes 3 – the passage known as ‘a time for everything under the sun.’ Well, reading more of this chapter in a different version opened my heart to some truths.

‘ It is beautiful how Elohim has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people’s minds. Yet, mortals still can’t grasp what Elohim is doing from the beginning to the end of time. I realize that there is nothing better for them to do than to be cheerful and enjoy what is good in their lives. It is a gift form Elohim to be able to eat and drink and experience the good that comes from every kind of hard work. I realize that whatever Elohim does will last forever.’ (Ecc. 3:11-14)

Everything changes when I ENJOY the ‘good that comes from every kind of hard work’ – but realizing that whatever God does will last forever, not what I do…the things of this world are fleeting, passing, changing, gone in an instant…whatever my God does lasts for eternity. But how refreshing to read that first line and to truly let it sink in – ‘ It is beautiful how Elohim has done everything at the right time.’ Though I may not understand the timing of things, though all that is in my mind might never fit in a day, there is a time for everything and God is the one who does everything at the right time and whatever He does lasts forever.
YES -- there IS a way to pull my head above the overwhelming flood of things to do and to breathe deeply and look to Him and realize that all I am asked to do is be cheerful and enjoy what is good in my days.
I do this by GIVING THANKS – as my thankfulness journal is growing and stretching me as it expands. To see every LITTLE tiny minute detail as an opportunity to give thanks…talk about making time stand still.
Because not all of you have read Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts” I’ll just share with you the idea of the writing down in a list 1000 gifts in your life as a way of seeing God in everything and learning to give thanks for all things and in all circumstances. What a difficult and joyous process this has been.
Ann writes, “This daily practice of the discipline of gratitude is the way to practice the delight of God.’ Always looking for just one more in this unfolding of a chronicle of grace, our life story in freeze frames of thanks ant only the numbering leaving traces of our days, this counting blesssings was the unlocking of the mystery of joy.”

Just 10 of them pulled out of the middle of mine…..

291.) grammar jingles sung at the top of the lungs
292.) Best friend’s voice on the phone
293.) Tea time talks on the bed
294.) Spanish dinners with gringos all trying hard
295.) obedience – pure and simple
296.) the 6:30 am bells that toll the time and I scurry out the door
297.) honest tears of a child -- unhindered
298.) The words ‘te amo’ that squeeze insides like a tight hug
299.) tennis balls on the bottom of chairs covering sound that grates on nerves
300.) popcorn during long team meetings

I feel as if this is the time set aside in my life to teach me what thankfulness in all circumstances really looks like…it almost seems as if each small or big thing is specifically designed to test this resolve and teach me the sometimes HARD act of that ‘sacrifice of praise’ that comes on a deeper level, the acceptance of everything if sanctified by thanks and the word of God…and the entering of God’s presence with thanksgiving. All are different steps in this process, and all have been lessons that I thought would be simple to learn….not so. J

As I’ve been sensing these spiritual lessons and asking God for perspective and vision he brought me to a passage in John 17 and new truths began to jump out there. In this chapter, I was astounded to see the relationship of the Father and the Son, to enter a heart to heart conversation between the two and to desire this in my relationship with the Trinity also.  To me, the gospel all of a sudden became so evident, as well as my calling and purpose.

“After all, you’ve given him authority over all humanity so that he can give eternal life to all those you gave to him. This is eternal life: to know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom You sent. On earth I have given You glory by finishing the work You gave me to do. Now, Father, give me glory in Your presence. I made Your name known to the people You gave me. Now they know that everything You gave me comes form You, because I gave them the message You gave me. They have accepted this message, and they know for sure that I came from You. They believed that You sent me.” (John 17:2-8)

Wow – the heart of Christ and the communion between the Father and Son. This is eternal life…to KNOW the only true God. ‘On earth I have given you glory by finishing the work You gave me to do.’ – And this is the most important work of all, this is the work I should be striving to complete, measuring daily to see if it has been done….to ‘the people you gave me’ the ones placed in my life in this TIME….that ‘they may know that everything You gave me comes from You….they have accepted this message, and they know for sure that I came from You.’

This is my mission, this is my calling, this is what I fix my eyes on…that in everything those people entrusted to me may see that EVERYTHING I have comes from God and that they would accept the message, knowing that it is from the Heavenly Father…then there is glory in ‘finishing’ this work that is given….for the work of God is eternal, and this work is for eternity.

How often though, do I get distracted, depleted, and disgusted with the work of the here and now, the daily grind and the never getting ahead? It is because I’ve taken my eyes off the prize…and that is Christ, that is ‘to know the Only true God and Jesus Christ.’ This is the gist of it…this is all I am called to do: make Christ known in all things, that He may be glorified in me, and to ENJOY Him, giving thanks for the GOOD that has been placed in my life and experience the good that also comes from every kind of hard work and letting God do the eternal, lasting work in the process of it all. With this perspective only will I ever rise above.  

Rollin through September

Dearest friends and family!

Bringing September to a close, I write to you with such a different attitude than 4 weeks prior. I am thinking constantly of Colorado in the mountain fall that descends with drops of sunlit leaves and whisks the world into winter.  As we’ve been studying maps and regions in geography I’ve taken every opportunity to point out my wonderful home state and in doing such have found myself longing for those majestic mountains in the background of my days here, a constant reminder of El Elyon, the Lord Most High.

2 Timothy 1:6-7
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline(sound mind).

This verse has lept to the forefront of my spiritual reality in these past weeks and  been a revitalizing thrust forward in the work of the Lord here.  There is no doubt about it, the Lord has been giving me favor and I am walking in the path He has marked out for me. He has been fanning those gifts in me to flame up as I serve and talk with students, and pray with staff, and pour myself into teaching, and live every moment in that Spirit of LOVE, POWER, and SELF-DISCIPLINE…what a trio those 3.

About a week after writing you in desperation of the struggle and spiritual darkness I was experiencing upon my return to Honduras, God brought someone to intercede for me and it was the strength over the enemy I needed that pulled me out of the ‘losing’ battle and set my feet back on the Rock Eternal. I thank each of you for praying for me, I have never experienced something so frustratingly debilitating and confusing and I needed each of you in that time to be lifting me up to the Lord.
The enemy is still in full fledged attack around me, but He has armed me with strength and perspective and victory, so that is what I am claiming and walking in now.

After passing through the worst of the battle, the Lord began giving me favor with my students from last year and this present year. I have had amazing opportunities to be part of these kids lives and they are opening themselves up to me in ways I could never have imagined. Almost every recess there are girls in my ‘office’ that come to share their hearts and pray with me. I attended a pizza outing, birthday pool party and bowling activity with my students this past weekend and have been enjoying them at school and outside of it. My kids this year are VERY loving and so I get hundreds of hugs every day and just enjoy each moment with them. All of this is by God’s grace and I cannot praise Him enough for the responsibility and task He has set before me in being part of these kids’ lives and challenging them and loving them.

Continuing on in my journey of thankfulness --  I have been collecting details of things I am thankful for and writing them down at the end of each day. As the Lord brings different things to mind throughout the day it has been so fun to sit back and giggle with the Lord over all those small moments that bring joy, as well as those moments I want to reject as ‘bad.’  God continues to offer those things to me, saying ‘take it, it is good, break it and give thanks.’ Receiving things from God, whether I deem them ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as manna from heaven, the sustaining grace of my God in the wilderness or the garden is an extreme challenge, but I venture forward in anticipation of the relationship of abundant life that is the strong current beneath the surface, if only I would reach deep to find the blessing and enter in to his presence with thanksgiving. 
THANK YOU to those of you who responded to my last update with your two or three things of thankfulness…what beautiful glimpses into your hearts and lives. It was SO good to receive back from you a response such as this and to rejoice with you over the big and the small graces.

My Care group bible study has been experiencing the book “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp, which is where these ideas stem from. It is just the beginning, but we are venturing forward and awaiting what the Lord has in store as we open ourselves up.

Lets throw some prayer requests in now so I can begin to wrap this up.
You know that my heart is always overflowing and abundant in words. J

1.)  I have had a bad tooth ache all week and will be getting work done on Friday, but this is a little scary with the international aspect as well as trusting the same dentist with my crazy teeth for over 20 years…please pray for healing in this area as well as strength to carry through the pain until Friday afternoon.
2.)  The beginning bible study on the book of Joshua with 15 to 20 6th grade girls. We will be meeting every other Tuesday for two hours and their hearts to learn God’s word is simply outstanding…what an opportunity God has given me.
3.)  I ask for ‘A willing spirit to sustain me’ in the work of my hands as sometimes I become weary and lack the motivation to press on day in and day out. 
4.)  Protection against the enemy, wisdom in communication, and grace in relationships through this season as we eagerly await what God has in store.
5.)  I have been burdened after visiting the orphanage and realizing just how much struggle the kids deal with day in and day out
Thank you thank you thank you for your constant love, support, and communication.
When I am weak, then I am strong.
Blessings and much love,


“Everything God created is GOOD and nothing is to be rejected if it is received WITH THANKS if it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” (1 Timothy 4:4-5)

I’ve been utilizing this mentality with THINGS I’ve received from the Lord and giving thanks in every circumstance until God took it to a new level. The same reality goes for PEOPLE in relationships. Every relationship in my life is from God and it is good, if I thank Him for those people He placed in my pathway and sanctify those relationships through the washing of the Word and prayer.
I must admit, it was easier to leave it in the mentality of receiving the THINGS from God more than the people because especially living in community it is hard to accept in my day all the interruptions, petitions, requirements, expectations, personalities, and challenges in communicating. Finally understanding that those relationships HAVE to be sanctified through the word of God and prayer and received with THANKS instead of complaining or rejection has really changed my perspective.  As I step forward in a time where I am constantly pouring myself out to others, I rejoice in the redeeming work GOD is doing and that I can be a part of it through thanks, prayer, and the sanctifying Word. 
I challenge you to check your heart of thanks in each relationship God has placed in your life. Are you receiving those people from the Lord in any form, at any moment, as from God and speaking truth and praying together and striving together to seek the blessing in giving thanks for one another? Oh what transformation and delight this brings to those relational struggles and the people you would rather just ‘give up on’ instead of ‘dealing with’ them any more. Don’t fall short of the redemption the Lord offers in that Spirit of love and power.

Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “today’ so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. (Hebrews 3:12-13)

I’ve been becoming more and more aware of the deceitfulness of sin and the attack of the enemy.  I’ve seen my sinful nature now more than ever and truly see that I am NOTHING without Christ. It is such a good thing, to be reminded of my humanness and to trust in a saving God to accomplish all things for me….but to see the enemies schemes and to watch fellow brothers and sisters being led away and enticed is terrifyingly real and the Lord has illumined a prayer battle that I will begin to enter as seen in the following passage from Nehemiah 4 and 6

(In Ch. 1 Nehemiah intercedes for the remnant of Israel to bring them back from they places they were scattered)

(4:6) So we built the wall and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. Now when Sanballat….and the ammonites heard that the repair of the walls of Jerusalem went on, and that the breaches began to be closed, they were very angry (7). All of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause disturbance in it(8). BUT, we prayed to our God, and because of them we set up a guard against them day and night(9). Thus it was said in Judah, “the strength of the burden bearers is failing, YET there is much rubbish; and WE OURSELVES are unable to rebuild the wall.(10)” The Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times, “they will come up against us from every place where you may turn(12).” Then I stationed men in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, the exposed places, and I stationed the people in families and with their swords, spears, and bows(13). When I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people: “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your houses(14).” When our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had frustrated their plan, then all of us returned to the wall, each to his work(15). From that day on, half of my servants carried on the work while half of them held the spears, the shields, the bows, and the breastplates; and the captains were behind the whole house of Judah(16). I said to the nobles and the rest of the people, “The work is great and extensive, and we are separated on the wall far from one another. At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.(19-20)”
(6:9) For all of them were trying to frighten us, thinking, “The will become discouraged with the work and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands.

Then I perceived that surely God had not sent him, but he uttered his prophecy against me because Sanballat had hired him. He was hired for this reason, that I might become frightened and act accordingly and sin, so that they might have an evil report in order that they could reproach me. (12-13)

So the wall was completed on the 25th of the month of Elul, in fifty two days. When all our enemies heard of it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they lost their confidence; for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God(15-16).

What a picture of an intense spiritual battle. It is so clear to me that this is what our community here has entered into to. We have built the wall to half it’s height, but it still has exposed places and the strength of the burden bearers is failing, not to mention the constant attack by Sanballat and his brigades coming against them at every turn in order that they might become frightened and act accordingly and sin…. Yet Nehemiah encourages them to “remember the Lord, who is great and awesome and to FIGHT” and then when the work is hard and they are separated along the wall he calls for rallying points and declares again, “Our God will fight for us!”

In the end it is completed and the result is God’s glory – for they recognized that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.
Please join me in prayer and intercession in this way. I need it and plead for you to see the weak places in your walls, the points where you need to rally against the enemy, and the moments when you need to take courage and pray and let God fight for you. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

August Update -- Back to School!

 rainy season in Valle with our 'girls'
 celebrating this little one's 5th birthday at the orphanage
 Sweet Sarah and I during her visit
 My new room shaping up
 My Roommate Amanda and I, First day of school
 This year's 5th grade team! (Suzy, Dan, and I)
My new class looking pretty precious :)
 Beach Trip (9 hour bus ride!)

I write to you as I head into the first full week of school and sequester a few long moments in the early morning before dawn to attempt a summary of the work the Lord is doing!

Communication with you all at home has been sparse and for that I am sorry. In all the details of life here I have to focus my mind entirely just to survive the past two weeks of preparation and beginning. Once I find a balance and routine I will be able to regain more communication. For now, it is just a miracle to find some time and energy to write, as I’ve been wanting to all week.

Re-cap of my May update: I wrote to you on my way home for summer about the vision the Lord has given me about this upcoming school year and the plans He has been putting in place – big steps and changes.

I must tell you that over the summer the Lord strengthened my resolve, deepened my vision, and refreshed my heart and mind on His truth.
Many of you were so influential in this process and I want to thank you for listening, for blessing me with sweet time of fellowship, and for your commitment to pray for me in all the Lord is doing. I cannot stop praising God for the gift of that time at home and for all of you.

My dear friend Sarah returned to Honduras with me and over 300 pounds of luggage (many adventures!) and we were blessed to have time to travel around and visit different Honduran friends, the national park here, and the orphanage (she helped me teach 1st and 2nd grade for a day and boy, was that difficult!).  It was such a blessing to share my life here with her, but after that ‘soft landing’ reality hit hard. The next week was packed with preparation and an anxious urgency to get everything ready without having enough time. I began the tedious task of training a new teacher in a week, creating a new behavior plan, attending hours upon hours of meetings, and preparing my classroom for students. Needless to say, I was in my classroom past midnight the day before school began.

Amidst all of this, God was working in some pretty God shaped ways:

1.)  The director of our school gave the first school wide devotion on Monday (usually a task he passes off on someone else) and he came before the staff with a realness and a humility I have NEVER seen before. He admitted that if change was going to happen it needed to come first in each of our lives and hearts. I have never heard him speak in such a way and it was astounding to see him step up to the plate, thus leading the rest of us. Yes, God has been working on hearts as we have been praying.
2.)  My principal later on that day met with the elementary staff and couldn’t help but allow the tears to stream as he shared what the Lord had been doing in his heart over the summer. He challenged us to choose a day of the week to pray and fast together for the lives and salvation of these kids, to focus us in the eternal work we are doing, and to do it together. He also took the lead in humbly opening himself up in a real way and the challenge was taken by all.
3.)  Our school theme for the year is gratitude and I was asked to share with the staff about my journey of gratitude in this past year as I have studied two books and watched the Lord transform my days through a heart of thankfulness. This was a task I was willing to do, but not easy for me to get up in front of everyone on our first day and share from my heart. Then God hit me with another challenge to do it in Spanish and English so that I could set an example of reaching out to the Honduran staff. Doubly difficult then was my task, but as I stood up shaking and red in the face and let God speak through me it was so neat to look at the bright faces of my co-workers, people I love and strive in ministry with, Hondurans, beaming at me with encouraging smiles, proud of me for stepping out for them, and to realize how much this truly is GOD’S work and how blessed I am to be entrusted with pieces of it and gifted in communicating in a language not my own. It began a long process of striving towards unity between Honduran and North American teachers.
4.)  I called for a prayer and worship meeting Sunday evening to begin uniting our staff on this track. It was in the midst of preparation and stress, but the Lord had plans more than I could have asked for. Thirty teachers gathered in that living room on their knees and the Lord led us into a real time of intercession and united our hearts in prayer and worship. The Lord took us deep and it was sweet, just the beginning.
5.)  Many of you have been in prayer for me in regards to my church, in the ups and downs we have been through, the Lord has asked us to stick to this tiny little precious church. This Sunday we had about 40 people from church come up the mountain to play soccer on the school’s field. Adults and kids alike played together and it was so fun to be a part of. I have also had some really good prayer times for our church, asking the Lord to move and direct revival there. It is in the very beginning stages, but there is definitely movement and awakening. These relationships are so dear to me.

This weekend I sat on a rooftop in the middle of a poor neighborhood, looking out over the city lights of Tegucigalpa, feeling admittedly ‘lost’ as to where to start ministry, what to pour into, how to reach out, how to even make this time count for something more. I see need in all directions and want to do everything. In the transition I had been joyfully caught up in all the Lord was doing, but was also fiercely attacked by the enemy. I identified the struggle as an attack at different points in time, but didn’t quite understand on how many levels Satan was picking at me, trying to get in, trying to trip me up. Praise God for all the armor He has provided and the strength to withstand. I have needed your prayers.
I will be honest and tell you the thoughts I fell to this week on so many levels were doubts and contrary to what I know about my God. I felt very much like an Israelite when I look back on it, the questioning that assaulted my heart and mind…more in the FEELING than the reality. I felt very alone, though surrounded by many people in a community striving for the Lord together. I felt unneeded and unwanted, though many others were feeling the same, and I just needed to reach out- we all needed each other. I felt inadequate and unprepared though this is semi-true on many levels, the Lord is preparing me for the plans He has for me…that part of preparation is up to Him.
I felt forgotten and like I didn’t have a ‘place’ – confused as to where I ‘fit’ here. All of these were normal feelings of a transition in which God is gearing up for big things.

I guess I just want to tell you how hard I had to fight to cling to the truth and what I KNOW the Lord has promised. It was tempting to turn away, to stay in that dark estate, to feel and let those feelings bring me down to whatever depths they reached, but somewhere in that mess God was a clear gong. ‘You don’t have to stay here, turn to me, I will rescue you.’ It took acknowledging that I was allowing the devil a foothold. It took humbling myself and asking my friends for prayer in regard to the things I was feeling and the thoughts I was having. It took arming myself with scripture and standing my ground when the enemy sneakily took sniper shots close to my heart.

My very wise friend Nicole told me: In the end it’s not about what you feel or what you say, it’s what you DO that makes you who you are.

In choosing the strength of the Lord in my weakness I found new strength to rise up on wings as eagles, to run and not grow weary, to walk and not be faint.

I don’t know if I have ever quit experienced something so intense on so many levels as what is daily being thrown at me in this time, but oh, it is good. I wish I could write pages and pages, but it is time to specify some prayer requests and press on.

Please please, uphold me in your prayers. I need you to ‘hold up my arms’ as Moses in the desert when the Israelites were in battle. I could fail, I could fall short, but the Lord promises He wont let me stumble or slip and He will complete the good work He began.

Prayer requests:
1.)  I give the first staff devotion Tuesday morning at 6:50 in the morning and still can’t quite pin down what the Lord would have me to share, though I won’t stop asking Him to reveal it to me so that I will allow Him to do to the work. Pray that I will again have the strength to ‘stand up’
2.)  I have about 20 sixth grade girls interested in a bible study the Lord has placed on my heart to do with them from the book of Joshua. I want to teach them how to study the bible inductively and the administration approved this study without asking question and the girls are raring to go!
3.)  My roommate and I have been feeling the attack of the enemy on our house, that isolation and negativity. Please join me in asking for the Holy Spirit’s presence to invade the darkness with light. Please pray for my apartment to become a “home” and that it would be a place of peace.
4.)  Pray for energy and strength in teaching. The beginning of the year is extremely draining because I have to start over from scratch and begin teaching all those basic little processes. Before I get in the swing of things, it feels a lot more difficult to stand on my feet for 12-13 hours each day and pour myself out over and over again, relentlessly.
5.)  Pray that the Lord will provide vision for ministry, that He will clearly direct by showing me where He’s at work and that I would take His invitation to join Him, but that I would be diligent in saying ‘no’ to the things that are not best, and setting aside time to rest and LISTEN to the voice of the Lord. Pray for a car if that is what the Lord chooses to give us for this stage in ministry, or joy and trust if it is not right in this time.
6.)  Pray for protection against the schemes of the devil and fighting off the fiery darts and the struggle against the principalities and darkness in whatever way they attack.

Thank you for your time and rejoicing with me, listening to my heart, and more than all these things, for praying alongside of me and holding me accountable to the work the Lord has set before me. I love you and seek the Lord in THANKFULNESS alongside you. If you get this far in the e-mail, you should e-mail me back a quick e-mail with 1-2 things you are thankful for at this point in time. I want you all to join me in the journey for gratitude. J

Until next time, thank you.